Young adults with broken relationships and big dreams, visitors with questions and pain, couples with new challenges. Fresh coffee and dark chocolate, ice water and salty snacks. The realization that often there are no easy answers, but the answer is found in resting solidly in the One who knows and understands. He is the answer. Together we seek Him and He chooses to be found. And we stand amazed at the God we serve and the opportunities He gives to be part of the story He is writing.
These days at work Garry has been doing a lot of research, and the process has begun many great conversations. He is working on judgement training right now, the process of teaching wise decision-making to new aviators. Decisions that come up in the cockpit often do so quickly, and the decision you make depends on previous experiences and information which you process almost subconsciously. What is the best way to build that body of knowledge that produces wise decisions?
A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to join the youth group on a service retreat. I was impressed by these young people who gave up a major part of their spring break to serve at a Christian camp. We helped with deep cleaning in preparation for camp season, scrubbing bathrooms, chairs, and grills. We worked on the grounds, picking up stones and pine cones. We worked hard and played hard. We "did life" for a few days, and that helps us all grow. What a privilege to be a part of young lives!
In fact, most of growing seems to mean "doing life" together in one way or another. We've enjoyed having a friend spend some time at our house while he recuperates after surgery. A couple stopped by to discuss options for their future and to pray together. Kaleb's friends came for an evening of pizza-making and fun. Kevin's friends stopped by for dinner and discussions after an afternoon of tennis. A friend is working through re-entry and we've had opportunity to discuss it and ask God for wisdom as she walks through a challenging time.
Kaleb is also doing a lot of "walking with" these days as he takes opportunities to spend time with friends. God has given him unique opportunities with great Christian friends and with kids he meets while riding BMX in the neighborhood.
Kevin is busy with school, work, and training and is also preparing for his time in China this summer. We are excited about this opportunity and praying with him about the challenges he is sure to face. His unique perspective on life and culture as well as his ability to communicate well is a huge blessing as he interacts with friends and professors at Moody. He, too, has unique opportunities to do life with people, and summer promises even more of those.
These are exciting times, good days. Busy days. And we are privileged to walk these days with various people in various ways. And we are privileged to be part of the team.