It's blessing to serve. Last week I talked with the girls at camp about the fact that the blessing is always in the assignment. We don't find God's blessing in the things we want or the things we feel pressured to do, but in following Him. He gives us gifts and enjoyment in the things He calls us to, and we are most blessed as we simply obey.
One of the things I love about God is that He calls us not only to serve, but also to rest. In busy, hectic seasons we know that as we continue to follow, He will refresh and give us rest at the perfect time. In the meantime He will give strength and grace for each day. And then, He gives us times of rest that are perfectly suited to us. He gives us time to worship and enjoy His presence. He does, in fact, give us everything we need for life and godliness!
Another unique thing about camp is living for a week in a close community that is relatively closed. Just over 100 people in a few cabins in the woods, eating, worshipping, learning, praying, swimming, playing, and living close together. It allows you a new insight into people's hearts and dreams. The opportunity to model healthy ways of doing things is huge. It also gives you a new perspective on the people you know and what drives them. And these insights were encouraging and fresh, a reminder of how often God is at work even when we are not close enough to see it.
We are now in Ohio, but I'll have to write about that next time. For now, it's off to lunch and meetings. It's been good to spend a few moments with you....