This summer we were thankful for a visit from Kevin after the Canadian Open, a great drive to Manitoba, a good week at camp, the privilege of attending EAA AirVenture in OshKosh, a visit from our pastor couple from Manitoba, my parents safe arrival from Venezuela, and a visit from my aunt and uncle. So many good and fun things.
The enjoyable was interrupted by disbelief and grief as we had a fatal accident at Moody Aviation on July 13. Three amazing young men moved to heaven that day, leaving behind three widows and six young children as well as many grieving family members and friends. Things shift when we look so closely at eternity. Our values come into focus and our deep beliefs are uncovered. We ask new questions and experience new things. The community changes and our relationships change.

In this sacred space we have seen God in new ways and learned new lessons. We've taken time to drive around and see the fall colors. We've spent time talking about what is important. We have asked hard questions and chosen faith. We have seen God answer some questions and leave other unanswered.

This time has opened conversations with different people. We've learned a lot about grief and community. We've seen the community work together in amazing ways to comfort and protect one another. We've seen renewed resolve to serve God and to work together. We've seen prayers offered and answered. We've felt the support of the global Church. We've seen how grief and fear are intertwined.
Obviously, the past 3 months are deeply colored by the fatal accident. Yet, it is not all we have experienced or thought about. And the many things that have happened cannot fit in this limited space. So, this is a fly-by view....
May your fall be blessed by beauty and blessings also. May you experience God in the everyday of your life.