Don't you love our oval house? We just love the personality it has, the number of windows, and the rather "European" feel to it! As you can see, we have a very beautiful yard as well (no thanks to us!). And just in front of our house is a cute little gazebo... it is set up for bar-b-ques, but we haven't made use of that yet. Maybe one of these days!:)
These days I'm reading the story of Hudson Taylor. His passion for the lost in China has impressed me again. How God planted that passion in his heart and tended and grew it to the birth of an incredible mission and the salvation of many souls. What, exactly, is God's call on our lives? On yours? How many of us live with that kind of single-mindedness? Are we even supposed to, or is that reserved for a few that God chooses?
Garry got his laptop computer yesterday, so he was busy getting a cable run between the computers so we can share the printer and internet access. We found out we're pretty technically challenged, but in the end it worked out OK and he is now set up in his office to better accomplish the things on his plate. (BTW, they did solve the "green fuel" issue!)

Yesterday continued on a fun note as Jen came over for a while. Her two kids, Mirielle (age 3) and Kellan (age 6 months) are a lot of fun. We ladies had a great visit over iced coffee (she had to bring the ice as we were out at our house... I guess the 8 people that spent the day here and the extra two for lunch were just enough to deplete my supply!) Meanwhile, Kaleb and Mirielle built a tower in the bedroom, complete with most of the bedding and many of the toys. Jason came by later and we all had supper together-- just simple sandwhiches and leftover salad, but a little more time to just be together. It is such a blessing to have partners and function as a team!
Today is a "radio day" for me. Garry and Jason are going south to do some checkout work at one of the airstrips, and I am standing by, taking down position and altitude reports about every 10 minutes. For the most part I enjoy the radio, though I could do without the static!
(If you'd like a little idea of what it's like to stand by the radio, set your timer to go off every 10-15 minutes, and stop what you're doing and pretend to answer the phone and take a note or two! Sometimes give yourself 45 minutes or so in order to understand the thrill of them being on the ground!) The boys and I have done some reading together already this morning, Bel is here cleaning up from breakfast and startiing the laundry, and the boys are doing yardwork. Soon it will be time for school to begin! And thus I must close for today... may rich blessings be yours!