Monday, May 29, 2006

Good morning! It's almost noon here, though it's nearly midnight for most of you:). Garry began this morning working on his airstrip profile for one of our locations. He is putting on paper all the information Jason will need to know-- length and width of the runway, normal wind patterns, changes that make a difference in how much cargo they can take in, etc. When he was almost finished, the computer locked up and he lost it all. Thankfully he was able to nearly finish it a second time! Now he's at the hangar dealing with a fueling issue-- what makes avgas turn green when you pump it?!

We have a young boy helping in our yard here, so Kevin and Kaleb spent some time cutting grass, digging weeds, and trimming hedges before they started school. Meanwhile, I was busy working on getting this blog done for a while, then spent some time with the girls in the house. Finally, we got down to school! Kevin finished his reading and vocabulary study and Kaleb did reading and math. Kaleb is reading his first book, "Go, Dog, Go"! It's fun to see him learn to read. Now he's reading it a second time to Kevin.

This morning the girls and I were discussing different cultural things. They told me last week that I am getting fat... which is actually sort of compliment here. (okay, so it doesn't FEEL like a compliment!) Which brought us to the fact that Filipinos don't mind if you think they're old either. And information about your finances is not personal! It's fun to get to know these ladies and hear how they think!

We have company coming for lunch, neat friends who work in one of the tribal locations here. It will be fun to see them again! And with that in mind, I'd better close for now!

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