Saturday, May 03, 2014


Garry's loving spring-- the smells, the melting snow, the full ditches. I, on the other hand, find it messy and a bit depressing. It's a matter of perspective: Garry grew up with spring, and to him, spring is a promise of summer. I didn't grow up with changing seasons, so spring is simply today-- muddy shoes and rainy days.

Life's rather like that, isn't it? Hope makes all the difference! If we know that today's efforts lead to something good tomorrow, we are content putting in the effort. If we are convinced we're making a difference, we gladly give it our all. On the other hand, if we feel like our efforts our futile, our work unappreciated, we quickly give up. It simply isn't worth it!

In some respects, all of life is the muddy spring of reality-- a precursor to a beautiful forever. All our troubles are light and momentary, all our efforts small, yet worthwhile. The sun shines some days, but the ditches are full and the roads are muddy. 

We've had some sunny days this week... weather wise and in life. We are excited about the relief efforts in the Philippines that we continue to be involved in. Houses are being built, boats are being built and others repaired, truth is spreading. Things with Moody Aviation are also moving along. This week we turned in another stack of papers in our quest for a US visa. In just over a week Garry is heading to Alberta to network and learn with other mission aviation organisations on behalf of Moody. Kevin has been at Jr Nationals this week in Vancouver, and he has had both fun and opportunities there. Kaleb enjoyed a bit of paid work this week and is excited about his many ventures in movie-making and biking.

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