Garry just messaged me from Amsterdam! He's on his way home after a great week in Nairobi. He enjoyed seeing the program there. He was blessed by many of the interactions he experienced and watched. He got to spend some time with my cousin. He learned lots at the course he completed. He spent some time at a wildlife place and checked out a few interesting restaurants. What more could you ask for from 10 days in Africa?!

This week was about setting up and running a SMS (Safety Management System) and the various things that are involved in that. Teaching times and practice times reinforced many things Garry's already learned as well as broadening his knowledge. From the paperwork involved in reporting hazards, to incident investigation, to interviewing people, they covered a lot of ground in one short week. (And yeah, if Garry laughs when he reads this, it may be edited at a later date!)
Besides the experience of Africa and the amazing people he met and worked with, we are blessed by how God is bringing things together for our time at Moody Aviation. We plan to head to Spokane early next week to check out housing, have some meetings, and make plans to move there within the next couple of months.

Kevin has started part-time studies at SBC and is enjoying his classes. When he's not studying he's working, coaching badminton, or driving somewhere. He plans to do this semester at SBC, then transfer to a University in Ontario next semester.
Kaleb continues to hone his biking skills and is getting excited to move to Spokane and have some great mountain trails nearby. He's also been trail-building with some friends as well as making movies.
The path ahead seems unclear at the moment as we move into yet another new situation. I'm excited about what God is doing, and at the same time I wish I saw it more clearly. I was thinking the other day how this is an opportunity for faith. A chance to let the bedrock of faith in God and His goodness overwhelm and comfort me. An opportunity to grow. A chance to ask God what He is doing and see Him answer. Trial, challenge, or opportunity? It's so much in our perspective. And each moment we choose which perspective we take! And while we choose our perspective about the future, we also walk in this moment, doing the one thing that is ours to do right now!