With three drivers it wasn't too hard to drive throughout the night and arrive in Bozeman, Montana early the next afternoon. An upgrade to our room was a nice surprise and gave us room to relax a bit. We unloaded our bikes and took off for what we thought was a nearby trail... I guess it was far away, because we had to turn around before we got there, though the boys did some fun riding anyway.
Thursday evening we arrived in Spokane and are blessed to be able to stay in Crossover Church's house! Since then we've done some house hunting, touched base with friends, and made a few new friends. The boys have done some trail riding and we've all done some relaxed riding. It's been a bit of a whirlwind few days, but many of our questions are being answered and we're learning lots.
Yesterday Kevin headed home to be back in class this morning. He had a God appointment on the way, which we are interested to hear the outcome of. This week promises to be full as we connect with various people and learn more about the area, life here, and the people we look forward to working with!
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