We got a US Immigration Fingerprinting appointment for Kaleb! This means that his process is moving along and there isn't a snag, at least in the initial application. After all the delays and questions we've had, this is a huge answer to prayer. Thanks for praying. Please thank God with us for this step being accomplished and pray for the remaining steps to go smoothly.
This weekend Kaleb was at Winter Camp, a new experience for him. I can't wait til he gets home in a few hours and tells us all about it! He is enjoying winter thus far, gaining experience riding street BMX on ice, a day spent snowboarding, and practicing winter driving. He has spent a lot of time recently on Lego Animation, his latest project being an entry for THAC that he did with a friend of his. Check it out
Kevin is currently suffering a nasty bout of the flu in Manitoba. He arrived there last week and has enjoyed seeing a few people, visiting some of his favorite places, and getting some training in. He plans to be there for a couple more weeks before heading to Saskatoon for Canadian Nationals then back here for school.
Then there's Garry. This week he is teaching a few classes on how to use the new risk management software. We are super excited about this. The software is a powerful tool to share information, and sharing information is key in risk management and accident prevention. Sometimes the process feels long, and yet in retrospect we see that there have been a lot of interesting steps along the way. One thing Garry has gotten really good at is putting together presentations-- good graphics with a reasonable amount of interaction to keep listeners engaged in learning. I love seeing what he puts together these days!

For my part, I spend the majority of my time helping, it seems. I love being a mom and wife, keeping three hungry guys fed. I enjoy the office work I'm doing with Garry, helping organize the safety seminar as well as learning more about the software so I can help manage it. Touching base with friends, blogging, e-mailing. Focusing on prayer for the women at Moody-- staff, students, and wives. These are the things that keep me busy these days.