Despite moving just before Christmas, we made some great memories over Christmas and New Year's. We enjoyed taking about all God has done in our lives, remembering other Christmases, eating great food, drinking hot chocolate and coffee, and getting used to our new home. We also made a quick trip to Leavenworth to meet some of Garry's family for a great time. It was an answer to so many prayers about our move to have this time to slow down between moving and heading back to work. (
I blogged about some of it here.)

Now we're back into normal routines and excited about what God has in store for today, this week, this month, and this year. I've been challenged once more to be present-- to live this moment rather than waiting for that
someday when things will be different or better or harder or easier. To enjoy the blessings of today instead of trying to arrange blessings for tomorrow. To spend the time I have right now enjoying God and loving those around me. To use my energy pursing the things God has led me to do. Right now. It's such a simple place when I stay here.
The first days of the year at Moody Aviation are set aside for staff meeting, planning, and preparing for the next semester. Today Garry is presenting to all staff members on how to report using the software. We are excited about the capability of this software to grow our ability to share important information and look forward to seeing how it works as we use it more widely.
Kevin is heading to Manitoba soon to work for a few weeks there before heading to Canadian Badminton Nationals in Saskatoon, SK the first week in February. He is looking forward to connecting with various people in Manitoba and in the Canadian badminton world.
Kaleb has been making good use of his new animation studio lately. Yesterday he released his entry for a Lego Rebrick contest,
Batman At the Movies. This weekend he'll be working with a friend on an entry for an annual 24-hour animation contest, a sure-fire way to have some exhausting fun.
I trust your year is starting with presence in this moment and hope for the future.
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