We have 9 graduates from the aviation program this year, and each of them are moving into something different. Graduates are often hired to work at Moody after graduation so they can gain more experience and pay of student debt while continuing in an environment that is invested in their success, but it doesn't sound like there will be a lot of that this year. This is also the time that alumni who have worked at Moody for a time move on, and two couples from Moody will be joining mission organizations this summer.
This year two couples who are friends from Biblical Studies graduated, so they are actually moving in the next weeks. One couple is headed overseas for a year doesn't know if they will return to Spokane after this missions trip. The other couple has taken a youth pastor position a couple hours from here, so we hope to see them at least occasionally over the next year.
Kevin is now in China and graduation events are mostly finished, so now we are celebrating Kaleb's high school graduation! We are having a little party for him this afternoon and looking forward to what God has in store for him in the future. He will finish school in a couple of weeks then plans to counsel at summer camps for most of the summer. He plans to begin studying for youth ministry at Moody Bible in the fall, another exciting big step for him.
Thrown into the mix for us as a family was the fact that Kevin left for the summer in China the end of May. He was gifted an opportunity to train at one of the top badminton clubs in the world for 3 months, and he was super excited to go. He was also given am amazing job offer that he worked through over the past couple of weeks he was here as well as finishing his school semester and week of exams. Going to China required a lot of prep and was somewhat overwhelming as realized he would be living with people he'd never met. People told him there wouldn't really be much English there, and that has proven to be very true. And Chinese food has proven quite different than the Filipino food he enjoyed growing up.
And now I suppose I better go get cooking for this afternoon!
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