Hope is a beautiful thing, a gift of God. We begin 2019 with hearts full of hope and numbers of questions about what this year will bring. It's easy to look ahead and wonder what will happen, where we will be next, and what God has in mind. It's equally easy to look back and see the faithfulness of God and the many unexpected turns life has taken. With those two things in mind, we look ahead with anticipation, expecting God to work in this year, to continue to complete His good work in us and to do through us the good works He prepared for us before the foundation of the world.

We have seen God build many things at Moody Aviation over the past years and we look forward to those things growing. Since last summer's fatal crash we have seen God open many doors for new and deeper relationships, relationships we look forward to continuing to invest in this year. We are encouraged by the many questions that we as a community are asking and the way God answers. God continues to confirm that He has plans for each of us and that He wants to use mission aviation to help spread His Good News around the world.
January is when planning for our annual Safety Seminar really takes off. This year we are taking a break from technical subjects and focusing on how God calls us to both work and rest. Dr. Mike Kibbe is our main speaker, and his sessions will be followed by breakout sessions regarding various aspects of both work and rest. We are excited about what God has in mind for this year's Safety Seminar at the end of February!

Kaleb has registered for classes for this semester and is excited about continuing to study the Old Testament and taking a photography course. His finance course is less exciting, but should prove helpful both in ministry and work. Kaleb is also working at a local studio, Mortimore Productions, where he interned during high school. His focus during vacation has been producing a short paper animation, a passion project of his own. It's amazing to see the ways God is allowing Kaleb to invest in youth as well as grow in his media skills, and we are excited to see how these continue to work together for the Kingdom.
This weekend Kevin is on his way to Thompson and points further north as he invests in young people through coaching. Rehab has been going well, and he should be ready for badminton nationals at the end of the month, just over 3 months after his high ankle break. His progress is a gracious gift and due hugely to the expertise of Dr. Blatz at Eastman Therapy Centre and a new sponsorship from Sweaty Training. He is ready to hit the international circuit again as he pursues God's call to him in badminton.
We are so thankful to be a family and to see how God is leading each of us in various ways. And we are incredibly thankful for the team God has given us on this journey to grow and see His Gospel shared all over the world!
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