January 1, 2020 marked a new day, a new year, a new month,
and a new decade. As I reflected on so many new beginnings I was humbled by all
that God has done in each time-frame. Following are some of my reflections…
Day: December 31 was a day of goodbyes as Kevin and Kaleb left
for Calgary and we began another series of “finals” in Manitoba. We are so
thankful for the gift of Christmas as a family in 2019. After saying goodbye,
we joined an amazing group with whom we welcomed the new year—thanks BCC and
the small group that’s welcomed us during our time in Manitoba. January 1, 2020
was the day we started packing to head back to Spokane, a new beginning as we
closed up shop in Manitoba and anticipated returning to Spokane, Washington.

Month: December was a busy, fun month of meeting with family
and friends in Manitoba. It marked the end of our six months in Manitoba, and
we packed it full of people we love. We enjoyed time with many of our friends,
family, and supporters, yet we ended the month with the realization that we
were not able to see everyone. As we began January, we did so with anticipation
of our return to Spokane and investing in what God is doing there. We were looking
forward to seeing many friends and some family in Spokane, the local part of
the team we serve with in mission aviation.

Year: At the beginning of 2019 we had no idea what the year
would hold, and we look back at all God has done with more than a touch of
wonder. We ended 2019 with a sense that we had explored many things and found
new passion for what God has called us to. Our vision to see the Gospel shared around
the world, to see the next generation passionately following Jesus, and to invest
in mission aviation as our small part of reaching the unreached grew in 2019. This
growing vision was fueled by our time with many of you as well as by our
travels across North America, Mexico, and Brazil. What a blessing to be refreshed
in what God has called us to! The things God was doing in 2019 fueled a deep
anticipation as we began 2020 asking God how He intends to use and lead us this

Decade: We started 2010 in the Philippines, relatively newly
arrived on the second island where we would serve. Kevin was 14 and still
recovering from a serious bout with dengue fever. Kaleb was a grade school guy just
getting interested in animation. And wow, how things have changed in one short
decade! Now we have two grown sons who are following God in the path He has
laid out for them. We are no longer homeschooling or parenting kids or
teenagers. We no longer live overseas, but the people we were just getting to
know a decade ago are now among our best friends. We’ve lived in seven houses
in three countries over the past ten years, and Kevin has his own numbers
adding up now. We’ve grown a new passion and greater understanding of the next
generation and the call God has on their lives to carry the Gospel around the
world and into the future.
All this reflecting makes me wonder what God will do in the next
days, months, years, and decade. Truly, every day is a new and good adventure
with Him!
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