Friday, August 31, 2007

Happy Friday! Do you remember your days in school when you waited anxiously for every weekend and freedom from the classroom?! I was thinking this morning how much longer a week was in those days! We decided to take a long weekend this week, so the boys have been enjoying a rather Saturday-like day. They've been busy making rubber band guns, shooting a rocket with air pressure, reading, and working in the yard.

Last week Garry needed to take the airplane up for a short flight and needed some weight. We had the idea to ask Belle if she and her husband, daughter, and sister would like a ride. They were very excited to have a ride in a small airplane and arrived at the airport all smiles. Ashley (Belle's daughter) loved the airplane, but Belle got a bit sick from the gusty winds. I think they were glad for the opportunity anyway!

Tonight Kevin and Kaleb are going to be in their first "real" badminton tournament-- the last one was organized just for their class! They'll be competing against teams much older than themselves so are starting with a big disadvantage, but that hasn't dampened their enthusiasm yet!

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