This is just a random picture of Kevin enjoying a pizza in Manila. While it is one of the foods we've missed since cutting out wheat, we did find a great recipe with an alternate crust!
Garry is just finishing up a couple of flights down south and will soon be home. When he gets back to the hangar he'll add some fuel, give the plane a quick bath, and then hopefully get things together for tomorrow's flights. We are so thankful for his improved health these days and God's many answers to prayer!
This weekend we went to the local dairy farm to get some milk. They were sold out, so we asked if we could reserve for Monday. They took our information and sent us on our way. However, when we returned on Monday there was no milk to be had. We ended up talking to the manager who explained that production is a bit low right now, "We're only milking one cow now, ma'am, and she only gives 5 liters a day"! Wow, no wonder they run out!
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