Eleven weeks ago today we were in Manitoba, staying with Terry and Delores and enjoying our last couple of day

s with family and friends. The journey since then has been amazing! We are now basically settled into our new home, though there are a few

boxes that still need unpacked and some spaces that need to be better organized.
Three weeks ago today we got keys to this house and signed the contract. At that time Kevin couldn't quite make it to the bathroom without a bit of help and steadying. Since then we have moved in, gotten internet connected, put fence around the house, had the downstairs painted, set up some makeshift desks, Garry has gone to Manila for meetings and continued to Palawan to get the airplane, flown the airplane to the local strip we will fly out of, had a checkride, gotten a neighborhood clearance (twice, since the first one wasn't right!), found a good helper, and started school. We are thankful that Kevin has also regained most of his strength-- at the end of

last week he said he felt like

himself, 3 weeks after he got dengue. Yes, it's been a crazy 3 weeks!
I was amazed when I unpacked our things from Palawan how musty everything smelled. It was rather awful! Everything had to be washed and/or aired in order to make it usable. I was also surprised when I opened our boxes from Canada-- they smelled just like our house there. Funny what smells do to a person.
Some particularly neat things have happened over the past weeks. When Garry went to Palawan to get the airplane we were

praying for good weather for all the hours over the ocean. The day he flew to Mindanao the weathe

r was beautiful and he could see for miles! The following day it began to rain and rained for several days straight. What perfect timing God had!
Ken, the SIL pilot who is doing some flying with Garry and who we are taking over from, called Garry last week and told him that they'd have to modify their flight plans because we are low on fuel and getting it delivered takes a while. Both guys were trying to figure out what they could cut out and still be safe and effective. However, that evening Ken got a call that because of an insurance issue the people whose hangar we use were shipping 20 drums of fuel here-- and we were welcome to use as much as we need!
Each day is an adventure-- a challenge and a great reward....