Garry is trying to catch up in his office and working with Brian and some projects these days. Last week they flew our C180 to Cagayan to show it to a prospective buyer. We are thrilled that he is very interested in our airplane and has made an offer! Pray that the sale goes through quickly so that the helicopter can be shipped from Arizona soon. Garry's main responsibility these days is teaching and training our 6 pilot families. He enjoys passing on the technical experience he has gained over the years as well as encouraging them in faith.

Kevin has been enjoying mountain bike riding, a sport that is much
dirtier than I had known before he started. He loves the thrill of speed and the challenges.
Kaleb has been busy building balsa wood models. He made a new model airplane that flies and a little hover craft that hovers when connected to a 9 v. battery. Kaleb turned 11 while we were in Palawan and next time I'll post some pictures of his special day.
I'm so glad to be home and settling back into life at home! I love cooking our own meals and having our school space to teach. I enjoy having things in cupboards instead of suitcases as they have been over the past weeks. However, I could do without some other things-- the hundreds of mosquitos that have been breeding while we were gone, the gecko that is apparently addicted to processed food and keeps eating through the packages of crackers and candy in the pantry, the freezer that is almost back to its normal smell after being turned off while we were gone, having no internet, and the pile of papers that are still gracing my desk.
Yes, God is at work here in amazing ways. We see it. We know it and experience it. We are thrilled to be a part of it. Yet some days we are reminded that we live in a fallen world far from family and many of our friends.
good day mother.
Mary and I went to the Creation Museum in Cincinatti, OH. While there we viewed one video that showed the power of God during the storms. You can feel the earth shake and the air around you. This is one way God shows His power through creation. No man is without excuse. This is a little intimidating too. Rest assured, He is in control.
wow, i'd love to see that video, patrick! i love a good storm, as long as nothing bigger than rain is falling on my head!
yes, He is in control. and He is ALWAYS good!
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