God cares. That is the answer, no matter the question at the moment. His heart is one of love and compassion, of truth and justice, and He cares. He cares about us. He cares about His glory and His purposes, and we are in a perfect place when we care about His glory and His purposes. These things take us on adventures beyond our imagination and to places we never thought we'd be.
Like Spokane, WA! We never imagined we'd be here or working at Moody Aviation. To be honest, we couldn't quite imagine a job here that we'd really enjoy. But we love what we are doing, and it gets clearer that this is a great fit for Garry (from my perspective!) Our passion to see the Body of Christ work together and our passion and experience in mission aviation are finding a unique fit. Still, sometimes it feels like climbing this hill last Saturday...

... or exciting like the Lego Store for Kaleb. We have no clue where animation will take him, or if it has a future, but we do know that right now it is important to him. And we see how his experiences and convictions are being turned into short, quality films that require Lego, lots of Lego! While we were driving to Maine, God allowed us to spend the night in Danbury, CT o and Kaleb got to go to a Lego store and fill a small container with a huge number of Lego!

... or incredible like dreams coming true. Like competing at the Canadian Open and playing a top-ranked singles player like Marc Zwiebler in a tournament. This week has been pretty incredible for Kevin, from our perspective! He is traveling with a friend, has played at an incredible venue with people from all over the world, and has had some very cool interactions. At so many points this seemed like it wasn't going to happen, right until he headed to the court for his first game and was told he was disqualified because his shirt was improperly printed!
... or like the daily reality of office work and business meetings and assignments. Whatever the reality, we are in a safe place, anchored in a God who cares and will bring His purposes to pass.
This church in Lewiston, ME was a great reminder to me of what the Body of Christ is meant to be-- strong, beautiful, and enduring. And that happens only when we following closely after God, seeking to glorify Him and see His purposes come to pass!
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