Normal rarely happens, and when it does, it is usually at an unexpected time. I expected the last couple of weeks to be normal. And they have been in many ways. We've done school and Garry has been working. But that's about where our normal ends.

Spokane has experienced one of the biggest power outages in the past 20 years. We are thankful that our house is in an area that has not been affected, but everyday life has had to adjust. We've been playing host to some people who have no power. School has been closed so Garry has been working from home and helping others repair a roof and dispose of a huge tree in their yard. Kaleb has been sick and now I caught his cold.
We also found out last week that we needed to get our insurance and drivers' licenses changed as soon as possible, and that has been a bit of a challenge. Garry has figured out insurance while taking my written and driving test have been a bit of stress to me.
Kevin is working in Seattle and doing a lot of badminton. He's competing in his third tournament in as many weeks, and will play 3 more tournaments in the next 3 weeks. He is enjoying the journey, but it is busy for him.
Kaleb is doing his best to take advantage of sunshine this week to ride his bike and be outside. His friends have been out of school due to the power outages, and that has been good for him.
Yes, "normal" is somewhat elusive. Or maybe normal is this, being present in the moment and waiting expectantly for the next opportunity and change.