Thursday morning I had no idea I was going anywhere. Friday noon found Kaleb and I on an airplane bound for Manitoba. Saturday I was sitting in Winnipeg with family, watching Kevin play a badminton tournament. The following week was full of unexpected blessings as Kaleb and I visited family and friends. Thursday morning I was up early to say goodbye to Kevin and Kaleb as they headed to Washington in Kevin's car. Saturday I flew home. Sunday Kevin left for Seattle and Vancouver, and Monday Garry headed out for North Carolina. Today Garry should be home and next Sunday Kevin will be back for the day.
Garry sounds like he has had a good week in North Carolina, attending a safety summit. It has been a great opportunity to connect with a lot of people in mission aviation, hearing what is going on in different organizations and discussing challenges and joys. I'm very much looking forward to hearing more of what happened when he gets home later today!
This coming week is Missions Conference at Moody Bible Institute, Spokane. This is the first time we've been here for this, so it will be fun to see how it all works. We anticipate some opportunities to connect with students and build into their lives and passion for God and ministry in mission aviation.
These weeks of travel and connecting have been an unexpected blessing of refreshment and encouragement. And now i am thankful for the coming weeks which look like they will include some normal routine, some building into the everyday things that God is calling us to in this season of life and ministry.
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