We enjoyed coloring our eggs! Sitting around the table with fun little cups of colors and crayons was a great time to talk about Easter

and the meaning of Christ's death and resurrection. What a privilege to serve a risen Lord who brings New Life to every aspect of our lives!
On Sunday it was fun hiding and finding eggs. In fact, after we'd hidden them for the boys they hid them again for us to find! What good fun. (I think they may be better at finding eggs than we are!)

Yesterday the boys helped Garry at the hangar and I had the special treat of coffee out with a friend. It was great to talk about what God is doing in our lives!

Garry has been trying to finish up an inspection on the airplane before he heads to Manila in a couple of days. There is quite a bit left to do, but hopefully with Kevin's help he can finish it this afternoon and tomorrow. For now, he's still flying!
We trust you had a great Easter weekend and that this week is one of trusting God to do for us what we can never accomplish on our own!