Good morning! Today I wanted to let you know about one of the projects that is going on with NTMA here in the Philippines -- repairing an airplane that was damaged in an accident some years ago. Brian and Larry, two NTMA co-workers, are just completing a month in northern Luzon, working on this project. They have been doing sheet metal work and also painted the fuselage. Though we don't need this airplane right away, we will need it when we move on to the next island

and the work that it needed was huge.
We're so thankful for their willingness to help and also for the willingness of their families to let them come-- the boys and I have often been the ones at home while Garry has traveled, and

it's not always easy. They have done an incredible amount of work in their short time here!
Garry was able to spend some time with Brian and Larry when he took 2773 to northern Luzon a couple of weeks ago. He enjoyed it! This week they are coming to see the flight program here in Palawan and we're all looking forward to seeing them!
Meanwhile, here at home we've enjoyed a fun week off school. Monday we're back to school again, but with renewed energy after some good time off! The boys have been busy working in the yard, helping Garry in the hangar, and playing badminton. In fact, last evening our whole family went to play badminton!