We've also been doing school this week, and I thought you might enjoy this shot of Kevin doing his reading. He's in the middle of "Captain's Courageous" which is a great read for anybody who hasn't read it yet!
In between we've had some other interesting things happen. On Tuesday our Filipino co-workers from down south came to town and spent a few hours with us. Garry gets to see them quite often when he flies, but Linda and I haven't had a good talk in quite a while. We enjoyed catching up a bit on one another's lives. Then we worked on some bookkeeping issues together.
Some other friends are also in town, and on Wednesday Donna and I had a ladies' coffee. It was great to spend some time together! Last evening they treated us to dinner at Shakey's Pizza, one of the fun places to eat in town. The boys particularly enjoyed Bill's drawing abilities and jokes!
It's such a blessing to spend time with friends and be mutually encouraged! I pray you have friends in your life who bless you with their time and thoughts!
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