Maybe I'll just post a few photos and make a short note of some of the amazing things that have happened to us...
- Gar
ry's sister Fern and her family came for a week right after Christmas-- what a blessing to see them when we thought we'd have to wait months to do so!
- We're really enjoying being home and being part of the Sunday morning worship experience... I didn't realize how m
uch I missed good music
- Several friends have invited us to their homes to enjoy fellowship, great food, table games, and catching up on one anothers lives
- Garry plans to do a short presentation at our home church tomorrow evening during their "missions night". This week he's been busy at the computer putting his thoughts together
- We started schoo
l this week and actually accomplished most of what I'd planned for the first week-- that's very unusual given my propensity to plan too much
- We were able to find a place for the boys to play badminton and they've begun making friends. One of the guys told them they need to play with him since he plays like most Canadians and they need to learn the ways of badminton here.
- I was able to enjoy a ladies prayer meeting the other morning
- The boys have completed two snow forts and a sled t
rack complete with a jump
- We've been to family gatherings for both sides of Garry's family-- how fun to see everyone again!
- Garry and I celebrated 17 years of marriage

We are very much looking forward to seeing more of you and as our plans come together for traveling we'll be in touch.
So glad you guys are enjoying your time with family and friends! Your previous post brought tears to my eyes as I read about the many ways the Lord is providing for your family. Take care, stay warm, and continue enjoying your time in Canada. We thought of your boys as we made a pile of paper airplanes with Robbie and Vicky on a rainy evening a few days ago. :-)
I am so glad we got to see you too.
Much love,
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