Sunday, September 23, 2007

Happy Monday-- where has the time gone?! Do you ever feel like you spend your life wondering how time has passed so quickly-- losing this moment worrying about the next thing on your agenda or the last thing that didn't go exactly as you'd planned it? I've spent so many YEARS, literally, living in the past or the future. But I'm slowly learning to savor the moment, to live in the present, to enjoy the reality of NOW! Truly, his moment is a gift from God, a special grace from Him!

Last week Ross and Lea came for some meetings in Palawan and we enjoyed great times with them. The guys were often busy with other business, but Lea and I had many encouraging chats over coffee, sharing our stories and the realities that God is working in our lives. I was so blessed by Lea's passion for God and her pursuit of the things that matter in eternity. Truly, when we seek God we bless others!

Some other friends were in town last week also, and we enjoyed catching up with them over dinner one evening. The kids enjoyed Monopoly together one afternoon. Since we started school early this year we're finishing up our first quarter! We're looking forward to a bit of a break from school... and time to do some business in town.

This week Steve and Ja are coming to help on some projects at the hangar and discuss projects that they've been working on. We have so appreciated their help and their friendship, and we look forward to some more great chats over coffee... or iced tea or plain water!

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