Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Hi. this is Kevin. Today we found real milk, not UHT or powdered but real milk! We have lived here for 2 years drinking UHT milk and wishing for real milk. We have always looked forward to our few trips to Manila because we got real milk, but now we don't have to wish- we can get it, here!

You buy it in bags. all the cream is on the top of the bag. We put the bags into a pitcher. It is about a 20 minute drive and is the only dairy farm on the island.

Yesterday I asked the lady who works for us if you could get water buffalo milk. I had heard that it was not too bad and I thought that any thing would be better then UHT and powdered milk. She said, "no you can not get it here but if cow milk is o.k. then you can get that here".

I think I have drunk 4 glasses of milk today. It is my first time to drink real milk since January.

The dairy farm has been here for 20 years or something, and nobody has even heard of it. I am quite sure I am not the only one who has missed real milk!

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