Wow, it has been a long time! Garry spent just one afternoon at the aviation offices in Manila and was able to straighten out his

papers and get his medical during that time. He was still lacking a checkride to get his final license, but he has now completed that and is ready to begin flying again tomorrow!
We had a lovely break in Manila and arrived home late last week. We've spent last week trying to catch up at home and in the office... and are just now getting to the blog. We apol

ogize for how long it's taken us to update you on what's going on here. We appreciate your many prayers and words of encouragement. We know God is up to something. We know we are in a spiritual battle for the souls of men and the growth of the church, and prayer is key to victory becoming reality!
We are thankful to have about finished this week's school. While the boys are not working at their desks they've been staying well occupied. Kevin's lettuce continues to grace our table and keeps on growing! He's spent a lot of hours in his garden this week. Currently he's making a new bed in which to grow pinto beans. Someone gave him some seeds and we're interested in how they'll grow. We don't know anything about them, so if one of you gardeners out there have helpful hints, we'd love to hear them!

Kaleb has been keeping himself busy with a Physics set he was given as a gift. He's learning lots about gears, power, and speed as he builds different projects and changes the parts out. It's actually quite interesting to me as well since I've never really thought that much about this aspect of physics!
Since arriving home we've all been a bit sick with a stomach virus or some such thing. A friend told us yesterday that the water we buy is not well enough filtered for this time of year: many people are sick because of the water just now. With the food allergies and diet issues we're dealing with already this has been a bit discouraging. We pray that we'll soon be healthy again and able to do what God is calling us to do here on this island!
On another note, Ben and Suzy found a house and are close to moving in! They've about finished the work they needed to do on the inside and are getting ready to paint.