Wednesday, June 26, 2013

More on OYAN and coming home

OYAN Summer Workshops were amazing, as I said last time. There is more that fills my heart, so I thought I'd share a few more thoughts and perceptions. OYAN was started by Daniel & Carol Schwabauer not that many years ago, but it has grown incredibly. Being there for a week, I think I know at least part of the reason. It was planted on true faith in the living God! Mr. & Mrs. S, as they are affectionately known by students, walk in that faith and vision. They are following God, and God rewards that. Or maybe better said, when we get on board with what God is doing, He does it!

Another thing we heard a lot about at Summer Workshops was using our God-given talents to change the world. To believe that God has a call on each life and has gifted each person to fulfil that call. Students were encouraged to strive for excellence, and given tools to help them get there. And the community of students was inspired to be a godly community where love and truth exist. No matter what gifts God has given our kids, that is what we want-- for them to use those gifts to change the world and to live in their world in godly ways.

In case you're wondering, this is not a commercial for OYAN: this is a reflection on yet another place where we see God alive, well, and working. A reflection on the faith that keeps us moving on and the passion that fuels our lives. I haven't downloaded photos yet, but I hope to do so and will add them to these posts:).

We arrived home Sunday evening and are getting back into the swing of life at home. I  moved the trash can yesterday, and it was amazing how many times I ended up standing in the old location with garbage in my hand. Such a small thing. And yet, a change. It reminds me of how many things we do on "remote", simply knowing where things are and going through the motions mindlessly. It's a great way to be productive in the routines of life! At the same time, we can lose the joy of discovery and growth by doing all of life in that mindless setting. How long has it been since you switched something up and became aware of this moment, this opportunity, this time? Are you caught in the wonder of life or lost in the daily grind? Maybe it's time to move the garbage can, go out for coffee with a friend, or choose a new pew to sit in at church! Or not.

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