For years my mom had a sign on the fridge that said, "God never tires of our new beginnings." As a child and teenager I believed it was true, but the meaning was rather lost on me. However, as life moves on I find new comfort and meaning in those words. And I agree, because He constantly calls us to new beginnings in various ways. And the things that we plan to "get in order" we often find ourselves writing down as a "new" endeavor several months or years later.

We are so incredibly blessed by our boys, the ways they're growing and learning and the ways they are a part of what God has called us a family to do and be.
We have most of what we need for daily living in the new place, but there are still things at the old house that need attention. Then there's the cleaning... I was thinking the other day that I seldom have to consider spring cleaning, I just clean when I move! And I guess I should get back to some of the sorting, packing, and cleaning that needs done!
Love the pictures of the boys in the front...oh how life changes! It won't be long before it's L & E in the front of our car! :-)
Thanks... yes, it does pass too quickly!
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