We had a great, although busy, week with Steve and Ja. We enjoyed profitable times together, going over our job descriptions and setting some priorities and plans for the future. We also had a few meals together and just enjoyed being with them as friends!

This is our last week of school for this quarter then we plan to take a week of break! The boys have done amazingly well at keeping up with their studies while we've been traveling and are finding it even easier to do their deskwork now that we're home.
I'm thankful that Jhean is working with me again, but it is an adjustment for both of us as she learns what her job entails and how to do several things she hasn't done before. I miss Neva, but am thankful that she is home with her family. Jhean is game to do anything, which is a huge blessing! She does do some funny thingsn at times... she loves to put things away, which doesn't necesarily mean where they belong, just out of sight. So we've had a few treasure hunts lately! She loves cleaning and the floors are cleaner than they've been since we moved here, which is nice for the feet! Jhean finds washing dishes in a dishpan (as opposed to under running cold water) an adjustment so washing dishes is a rather slow process just now.
Now I'm off to school with the boys and wishing you a wonderful end to your weekend and a good beginning to a new week!
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