Our house is for sale! Actually, it isn't that exciting to know this place could be sold and w

e'd have to move-- again! But we are trusting God to work things out according to His plan. The owners need to sell the house, so we are praying it sells quickly (to avoid too many showings) for a possession date of September or later. Pray with us as God brings it to mind!
This weekend the boys are in another

badminton tournament, so the weekend promises to be plenty busy. It's an adult tournament, which should provide some unique challenges and unique fun.
I finally did get the better of that cold, though it

has left me a bit tired. Or maybe I was tired before I got it, but at any rate I've been trying to slow down a bit.... it's helping! I was blessed by several friends who brought lunch or took us out this week and by my hubby who is always ready to do something to make life a bit easier.
This week we were also able to go to a travel clinic that specializes in diseases normally found in foreign countries. We were impressed with the doctor who took care of us and are doing some further testing and starting on some medication for different things w

e picked up. On the way home we stopped for a coffee and I won a free coffee when I rolled up my rim... pretty cool, since that was my first coffee since they started that promo!
This morning we went to the library and enjoyed browsing around the shelves for a short while. It's just incredible to have access to so many books! The boys have been researching different things as well as enjoying some great fiction over the past weeks.
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