I was excited this morning to realize we'd have electricity all day-- every other day begin without power for 6-8 hours is not totally fun. I had a long list of things I wanted to do, and I was ready to get into the day. But then.... well, Kevin woke up with horrible allergies and spent the first hours of the day sitting and sneezing and the next several hours drugged up. Kaleb wanted help with something and I was trying to get the kitchen cleaned up. Bailey invited us for coffee cake, (bless her heart!) and we were ready to go.
Coffecake and coffee were marvelous.
Then, when we came home the fridge wasn't working. Thankfully Garry was able to go back to the store where we bought it and they said we have warranty. In fact, the repair man could come on Wednesday! Wednesday? Finally they agreed they'd call us when they could come. By now the fridge was very warm-- about as warm as the room, in fact. I took everything out and put it in a cooler with a block of ice (that isn't a great solution, for anyone who may be wondering!)
Lunch was a rather crazy affair trying to eat what was going to spoil from the fridge. The floor in the kitchen was looking like the yard. And I needed a nap. I was hot, and put on a pair of shorts. Soon, the repairman showed up. I let him in then ran to the bedroom to put something more decent on (my shorts are long, but not long enough for this country). He looked at the fridge for a while and told me the compressor is shot. Thankfully, it's under warranty! Unfortunately, it could take 2 weeks to get parts.
Anyway, such was my day so far. Now I need to find something for supper... that happens every day, but some days it's easier than others to come up with a good idea!
Now, a note about the photos today... we celebrated Dustin's birthday on Thursday. Pauline made the cake and we all enjoyed celebrating with Dustin!
On Saturday there was a huge parade and street dancing for Kaamulan. It was pretty amazing, really, to see what the different towns had come up with for a float and dance. There were an incredible number of people involved!
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