Saturday, March 20, 2010

When I look at my blog and see it's been more than a week since I posted I nearly panic. You can only imagine how I feel about now... maybe Mom was hinting that I should post again when she mentioned the other day how much she likes seeing pictures on here!
I thought I'd upload a few more shots of Kaamulan. It's incredible-- now there are a few buildings there, but most are already empty. It was incredible to see and experience, and obviously quickly taken down!

I won't even try to catch you up on all that's happened since my last visit here... the flight Garry and Brian did, the fact that the appliance store actually came up with a fridge to lend us, that we spent a couple of nights at the beach, that Dustin left:(, that I drove home from Cagayan (3 hours at my speed) with the boys the other day...

About today... Garry is in northern Luzon to fly the airplane that he couldn't fly last time. In fact, he's hoping to wake up early tomorrow and get 3 hours of flight in so he gets his 180 rating back on his license! Today he spent about 9 hours on the bus and got to have a snack and supper with good friends of ours
from Canada. Yesterday he turned in his paperwork for his flight medical, which should be ready on Monday.

The boys and I decided on somewhat of a slower day in anticipation of getting back to school on Monday. Despite the fact that we've had a couple of weeks off, I hadn't gotten my next
quarter's planning really done yet, so I did that this afternoon. I found a place in town that will actually refill your coffee-- a real treat here in the land of "one cup only, ma'am".

Kaleb is sick with a bit of a cold or ear infection or something, so he spent much of the day in bed. Kevin worked in his garden (thanks for the seeds, Dad & Mom!) and also fixed his bike and worked on Kaleb's bike. We also enjoyed reading together and picking out some new books from the library.

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