Today Brian picked up some people from one of our remote locations. They are native speakers of the language our missionaries are translating the Bible into. This week they'll be here in town helping our missionaries check their current translation of Exodus. Soon our missionaries will be back in the remote location, continuing work on the translation and disciplining local believers.
Garry and the boys are at the hangar today. Garry is planning to do some flying himself in preparation for more checkout that he will do soon with one of our new pilots. He and the boys will also wash and fuel the plane to shorten Brian's day a bit.
I'm enjoying some quiet time at home and catching up on some things I've had waiting for me in the office. I'm also trying to get a little cooking done today. I had a nice chat with Mom B this morning... being able to talk on the phone is truly a blessing! I had also hoped to talk to my mom, but the internet has been poor, so we couldn't connect when she had time to talk.
God does all things well... I've been pondering the implications of that this week again. No reason to worry, no reason to fear, no reason to hurry or be impatient. Grounds for faith and hope. Grounds for peace. A solid promise on which to build life!
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