Various things have come up this week, decisions that need to be made and situations that need addressed. What is the right thing to do? What is God doing in these situations? Our desire is to honor God in every area of life, in every relationship, in every decision. Sometimes His way takes a while to become clear to us.
Juliet is such a blessing to our family with her ready smile and willingness to do so many things. Her daughter came down with another ear infection yesterday, now in both her ears. I guess the antibiotics weren't strong enough or weren't the right kind... or maybe something else is the matter. Pray with us for healing for this girl.

Scout continues to be a healthy eater and grows almost every day. He's a fun, smart little puppy.
Kevin continues to battle a tummy flu, but he seems a bit better than he was last weekend. He was gifted some huge improvements for the motorcycle plus instruction in how to install them this week. What a blessing it has been to him-- and us!
Kaleb has been studying some more animation techniques and trying them out. He's also mastering some trials biking techniques, like horse jumping.
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