Sometimes, when you sit down to make a schedule, you're quite sure you're sane. However, when you work at implementing the schedule you feel quite sure you're certifiably insane! That's how this week has been for us... over Christmas we drew up a new schedule and have been working to implement it, but we are foiled at every turn! Unexpected illness, special opportunities, and surprising changes just seem to keep coming and keep us from feeling like we're doing a great job keeping our schedule.

Strangely enough, today I feel like that schedule is a hammer that's beating me up. But I made the schedule! And more importantly, when I ponder the true priorities of life, the unexpected is bringing them to pass much better than my schedule could have! Illness has a way of working character and patience in us. Opportunities allow us to grow and change. And even the changes have brought a clarity to several things that's we've been praying through. So, in the end I guess the schedule was a bit of insanity.... which doesn't mean I'm quite ready to throw it out. To the contrary, I'll try again tomorrow. And Friday. Because there is something about trying that builds character too.
Last weekend we enjoyed being stuck at home by the snow, then worshipping at Blumenort church on Sunday. Sunday noon we were with family-- what a blessing! Sunday evening we had some friends over, our little "pizza group" that has pulled us into their hearts in great ways.
Monday Garry started the day in the office, and he's been busy in there most of the week. He's looking forward to sharing in Pleasant Valley next Sunday and has been getting some photos and thoughts together for that. He's also been talking to various people about a safety system for the aviation department. And as a result of that he's headed to Grand Rapids next week for a couple of days.
Monday Kaleb woke up with a terrible stomach ache which has taken some thinking and talking to figure out how to address. Kevin has been thinking through his badminton opportunities and making decisions regarding this semester and how busy he is going to be.
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