Happy rainy afternoon! Today has been busy getting last minute financial reports in order for the field committee, packing for Garry's trip, and doing a few last minute fun things with the boys. Now Garry is at the hangar helping Jason with a special "frame" for carrying large pieces of tin roofing in the airplane. What a privilege to be a part of what God is doing here!
These separations, though short, are not our favorite part of the job. Yet we know that this is what God has for us. The boys and I are making plans to do some interesting things while Garry's gone. And Garry's time away is already planned quite full, so I don't think he'll have time to miss us very much:).
This morning Delores also came to say her final goodbyes.... it is so sad to see her go. She's spent a lot of hours at our house and has become like part of the family in different ways, so we are going to miss her. The opportunities God gives us to be involved in people's lives are nearly always unexpected and always a blessing! Such it has been with Delores-- good times, bittersweet times, times of sharing and learning together.