Monday, February 11, 2008

Happy Monday! Garry left for Manila this morning and was miraculously able to see the doctor who does flight medicals. Apparently there is a small problem with his ekg, so he'll need to repeat that here in town. After sleeping 5 nights in a row he's feeling much better than he has lately, much to our joy!

The boys and I stopped by the guest house to check our mail and say hi to our partners. It was fun to share a cup of coffee with friends on the way home! Then we did a modified school routine and now Kevin is out in his garden. His lettuce is growing amazingly well... now he's needing more seeds to start some more!

Friends gave Kaleb a cell phone this morning and he is quite thrilled with that! He texted Garry this afternoon, a first for him! Here in the Philippines most kids his age do have cell phones-- amazing!

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