Last Thursday morning we got Garry's blood test results from January 8th back! His thyroid levels were pretty messed up, so the doctor ordered more tests. Thankfully the repeat tests look reasonable. The doc says we need to check again in a couple of months, but for now things look OK.

The boys organized their bedroom a bit this morning. The badminton trophies were fun to look at again, and even demanded that their picture be taken. So here they are still enjoying the victory of a couple months ago!
Ben and Suzy joined us for lunch yesterday and we had a good chat. We're all looking forward to a visit from our coordinator in

Neva texted me yesterday to let me know she's sick. I'm glad she's home this time, with her family taking good care of her! Just living takes a lot of time and energy, and I'm sure missing the time and energy she puts into life here at our house. We pray she has a good rest and recovers quickly!
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