Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Here are the guys who spent several days flying around Mindanao together!

Not that it has anything to do with today! This morning we woke up to sunshine here in town, an encouraging thing! However, when we looked at the weather satellite picture things didn't look so good-- rain everywhere that we needed to go! A radio weather check confirmed cloudy skies and falling water. Garry kept getting ready to go anyway and we kept praying for an improvement in the weather. By the time the plane was loaded, things looked a bit better and have continued to improve. It's just after noon now, and Garry is nearly finished his flights!

This afternoon we'll pack our bags for Manila and finish up a few points of office work. We are praying Garry can get his medical issues resolved quickly. Once he has a medical again he can request a flight inspector to give him a checkride, the next step in being able to fly again.

The boys have been a big help in getting things together for our trip while I've been by the radio this morning. My helpers have also been doing some cooking so Garry has kosher foods to eat while traveling. We'll try to keep you updated on what is happening while we're on the road, but I'm not sure how often we'll be able to connect to the internet. Blessings to you, and thanks for your prayers!

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