Good morning! It's cool here this morning, a lovely blessing. It was cool enough that I actually had on a long-sleeve shirt when I first got up! Kevin and Kaleb are still sleeping, so I thought I'd take a few minutes to update the blog a little.
Garry, Jason, and Steve are w0rking on two airplanes and are

making good progress on both! Garry has been primarily inspecting over the past few days, although he's also spent a bit of time trouble-shooting with the other guys. They hope to be finished with the work by the end of this week so we can take the paperwork to Manila next Monday.
One of the airplanes is a Cessna 180, for which Garry doesn't have a license

here in the country. We had hoped he could just fly it, but the check pilot told him yesterday that he'll have to have checkride in it. A checkride isn't a big deal, except that it means scheduling a time for the checkpilot to come to our location, which is sometimes difficult to do. We're praying that God moves in such a way that we can avoid this step and the time involved in it.
In between work we've been enjoying a porch swing on our back porch here! Drinking our Paraguayan tea has been a great way to relax together!