As I pondered what might interest you, I came up rather blank. Still, I think if you came to visit for a few days or weeks you would find our lives to be somewhat interesting. But which part? That the owner of one of our tribal airstrips recently planted a third of it with coconut trees, making a long airstrip very short?
That our missionaries at one location are facing a near-epidemic of resistant tuberculosis and trying to deal with it? That our friends are working on surveys of many areas of Mindanao and finding out a lot about the local churches, both positive passion and lack of teaching among other things. That one of the tribal groups is spending two days this week taking the undulation out of their airstrip by moving dirt, topping it with gravel, and trying to pack it by hand? That Juliet's husband just lost his job because the company is waiting for supplies and they won't pay him to wait, but he needs to be available when the supplies arrive? That the aviation requirements in this country change so often that it's useless to try to do anything without first going into the office and asking how to do it this time?
So, those are things I consider posting about. But I'm just not quite sure which direction to go at the moment, so maybe I'll close my computer for the day and trust you have a great weekend!
1 comment:
Yes, your lives are anything but boring! I love reading your blog and keeping up with your family. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the weekend!
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