Friday, April 26, 2013

Chaotic calm

Seems like an oxymoron, doesn't it? But sometimes it is reality-- life is chaotic, but we are calm. Maybe more than reality, it's grace. Maybe it's a gift we receive on occasion. Or maybe it's a choice to see life from an eternal perspective despite our circumstance.... I haven't figured it out, but I know it's true.

As I sit here this afternoon the boys are in town and we are waiting for friends to stop by. They're spending the night with us, and we're looking forward to the time together! In reality, I haven't yet met these people, but they have been good friends to us, just the same.

And tomorrow morning Kevin and I leave for Saskatoon for badminton Jr Nationals... another adventure! Garry and Kaleb will be home alone, another new thing for us. When Kevin and I get home we'll only have a few days to turn around before we head out east. Lots going on... and yet I feel relatively calm at the moment. (Okay, maybe the calm has only just descended since I made myself a cup of coffee and sat down!)

Garry's time in Arizona at the beginning of the week was good. He was only in meetings for a short time, so he was able to help a bit with weighing the helicopter. Looks like fun, doesn't it?!

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