We're home again! We had a lovely time up north, enjoying the sun and the sand. This is the first time we've spent any time on the beach here and not all come home burnt! The island where we stayed was beautiful with white sand beaches and clear water.
We all found different things to be our favorite at the beach. We all enjoyed some snorkelling-- though Kaleb prefers not to go where there are funny-looking fish. I think the snorkelling was Kevin's favorite part of being there, and he spent a lot of hours with his head in the water. The reef is quite amazing!

Kaleb spent a lot of time flying a kite, and sometimes we all joined in his fun. One morning he had it flying right across the island when it crashed into coconut trees on the opposite side! The kite went incredibly high, much to his joy.

We all loved the great food that was included in our package deal. I particularly enjoyed not having to think about meals for a couple of days! The drive north was also enjoyable, as was the boat ride to the island.

We stayed in a cute little bamboo cottage, complete with a semi-salty shower! We were thankful they ran a generator all night so we could use the fans! Garry and I enjoyed some swimming, reading, and a bit of relaxing. We also enjoyed walking around the island, though it was a short walk-- about 15 minutes if we didn't hurry!
Times of quiet and reflection are good for all of us-- a wonderful opportunity to focus on God and what He is doing in our lives. In our two days at the beach we were stuck again by the fact that our only responsibilty is to stay connected to Christ, the Head, and do as He commands. Of course there will always be more work than we can do. Of course we can't do it all, but we can do what He intends for us to do, and that is enough. We also spent time pondering that we are God's children, loved perfectly by Him, perfectly acceptable because we are in Christ. All the treasures of the Godhead are ours-- wow!

It is also wonderful to enjoy His creation and be awed by His amazing creativity. When we experience the diversity of creation we are reminded that we are also diverse people, people with different gifts and ability, differing passions and distinct aptitudes. Oh, that we would learn to better enjoy our differences and spur one another on to what God has planned for each of us individually, which will produce what He has for us a Body.