Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fall break! I love school break... time to clean up spaces that have accumlated clutter, time to bake, time to update school records and plan the next quarter. It's always busy, but a bit of a different busy than school time!

This is us on our way back home from Manila last time... early morning breakfast at Yellow Cab at the airport. It was tasty... but a bit early to be eating Yellow Cab food.

Garry did a bit of flying this week and also spent some time at the hangar. The guys had a large cupboard in town that needed to go to the hangar, so Garry borrowed Brian's truck and took it out on Tuesday. The thing was monstrous-- should have taken a photo of that!

Yesterday we got a badminton trainer from the city to come down and give the older boys good games for a few hours. Kevin and his friends had an amazing time with him-- they had great games and got VERY tired playing!

Kaleb has been working on various projects over break and is now building another balsa wood airplane. I think this one he's going to make his own wooden propeller for... I'm interested to see how it flies when he's done!

Today is another cooking day for me. I know, I just put a bunch of stuff in the freezer last week, but you can't believe how much of it is already gone! Today I'm making some beef dishes to freeze and also baking some sweet breads. Funny thing about cooking days is how hard it is to get a whole meal on the table in the middle of all the prep work:).


Sarah said...

Completely agree with you about cooking days...those are my hardest days to get dinner on the table too. :-) Enjoy the rest of your fall break!

Garry and Cynthia Barkman said...

thanks! We did get something to eat that day... and now we're eating MUCH better with a freezer full of food!