Was that the HELLO or the GOODBYE?!
Garry's home! We are thrilled to have him home and hear a bit about PNG. He had a wonderful, profitable time at the aviation safety seminar. In fact, he came home with a list of things he wants to implement in order to raise the safety margin of the program here!

While Garry was gone Jason and Jen left for a fews months in the US. The boys and I said goodbye to them here in Puerto and Garry was able to say his goodbyes in Manila. We are sad to see them go, but thankful for what God has in store for them.
Garry really enjoyed the cooler weather in PNG and the wonderful hospitality of the missionaries there. The seminar was held at this center, but he was also able to visit the school for missionary kids there. He says it is very different there than anywhere we have lived and worked! He also spent a little time at this market in town, and brought us some cool souvenirs.

Not to mention the coffee-- PNG coffee is lovely for those of you who have never tried it!
We've spent his first couple of days at home catching on what we've missed in one another's lives, trying to set some priorities for the next months, and enjoying being all together again! Garry has also been busy moving his office out to the hangar and getting things set up out there.

The boys have also had some more badminton lessons... they are getting pretty good already, according to their trainers!
As we move back into running the flight program here in Palawan we are asking God for unnatural wisdom to know what to do and when to do it. The administrative stuff we have been doing is still needing attention as well as the daily running of the program. Garry's glad to be flying again:), and we know that this is what God has for us for this next season. Knowing that, we are trusting Him for everything we need to do what He's calling us to do!