Friday, November 03, 2006

I stayed up way too late last night, talking on the phone with my mom and then writing some e-mails. It was wonderful to just sit at the computer and "chat" with some of you, and I've enjoyed getting some replies today. Then when I went to bed I started reading a book called "I Told the Mountain to Move"-- what an inspiring look at prayer and its place in our lives!

Those things added up to a late start this morning! We did our chores and headed to the boys badminton lesson. The trainer called and cancelled, about half hour after the lesson was to have begun:), so we just played between ourselves for a while. Then we came home and got cleaned up.

All too soon it was lunch time, then time to finish school. Now I need to spend some time on the NTMA bookkeeping and then I hope to get back to my inbox:).

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