Monday, November 13, 2006

God is up to something! He is up to something here, and He is up to something there, wherever you are! We have been thinking and talking about that lately.

It's so easy to focus on externals, to compare ourselves with one another, to try to do all the good things that come across our paths. In the end, though, what God requires of us is incredibly individual. He promises that His burden is light and His yoke is easy. Yet He is a jealous God who wants all our devotion and will not share His glory with anyone.

So these days my thoughts are focused on God's individual calling, which for us right now is this flight program and the people that God brings across our paths. It is so tempting to WANT to meet all the needs around us-- the needs of the poor, the hurting children, the lonely people, and on and on. Yet what God is asking us to do means that we leave the rest. And He says we can do so in peace!

May you experience that peace today!

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