Good afternoon! Garry is flying... or actually sitting at an airstrip waiting for the weather to improve so he can finish his flight.
This is a picture at the hangar here as Garry prepares to leave on a flight. RP-C660 is the airplane Garry has been working on lately.
He's been flying really high lately to get over weather as well as taking some "long cuts" around it. We are thankful for the relative coolness the rain brings, though!
A friend of a friend came to cut the grass in our yard. We usually just use clippers to cut it, but it is really long now so we've been looking for someone with a weed eater to take care of it. This gentleman didn't want to give me a price for the work-- he's hoping that my estimation will be higher than his set price, probably. So, what do you do? And what is actually fair?

We did school this morning and now they are getting some exercise at the badminton court. I think they are actually about the only kids there right now, which can sometimes be lots of fun.
Blah, blah, blah-- ever feel like no matter what you sit down to write, that's all that comes out? That is how I feel as I post here these days. God is doing some wonderful things and some huge challenges are facing us. Yet so many of these things involve other people and are hard to explain or are personal in nature. Other things are technical, and thus hard to express. Yet other challenges are so complex that trying to simplify them does nothing to communicate what they are. So we'd simply ask for your prayer these days, that God would work mightily on behalf of His Church here. Pray that we would be sensitive to what He is doing and clearly understand our part in all of it. And lastly, praise God because His ways are not our ways and He is an amazing God!