And still no photos, cause the camera got left somewhere. I mean, I think we'll get it, but it isn't here at our house to download the photos. Update on Monday-- got photos and I'm uploading them to this post!

Garry and Kaleb are at the hangar today, cleaning things up and starting the airframe inspection that we need to do for our annual. Both the boys are quite proficient at removing and replacing inspection plates and it's always great time with their dad. So today is Kaleb's day of fun... and actually a lot of hard work!

I didn't post much about the trip in to the remote location or the flight out, but everything went really, really well. The prop was at the airport in the city when the guys got there and they got it loaded quite quickly. The drive in was wonderfully uneventful and some men met them at the end of the road to help carry stuff in. Hiking the prop in was quite a feat, but they did it! The tribal guys hiked it in as they are much better at hiking heavy loads down steep, slippery trails than our guys are. Tuesday afternoon the guys were able to install the prop and check things on the airplane out, so Wednesday morning they were ready to go.

It rained really hard in the middle of the night, which was a bit of a faith-tester as a wet airstrip is not the best for taking off. But Wednesday morning the weather was perfect and all the final checks and run-ups on the engine went perfectly. In fact, all the way back to home base Garry had no reason to be concerned. Brian and Kevin had a good ride back, though the prop was pretty rough on Brian's car top, which I think is in need of some repairs now.

Thursday morning Garry and Dave took the prop off and loaded it back in the box that was still on the top of Brian's car. Brian took it to the city and it should have arrived back in Palawan today. So thus is the story of our adventure this week... and when I get my photos maybe I'll just add them to this post.